• The "Echoes of Heart” is a Non-Profit Organization
  • Numerous humanitarian aid programmes have been implemented in Greece and abroad with the participation of volunteers-members of “Echoes of Heart”

The “ECHOES OF HEART” is a Non-Profit Organization created in 2003 through the need of offering aid to fellow suffering human beings.

The “ECHOES OF HEART” is addressed to all people interested in enlarging the scope of their knowledge, in ameliorating themselves and their daily life, while helping at the same time their fellow human beings in need.

Within this spectrum, learning and development cycles along with conferences, held by specialized scientists on subjects within the domains of health, nutrition, psychology and preventive medicine, e.t.c., have been organized with objective the path towards self-development and a better quality of life.

Last but not least, numerous humanitarian aid programmes have been implemented in Greece and abroad with the participation of volunteers-members of “ECHOES OF HEART”.

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Postal Address
Agiou Ignatiou 18, 17342, Agios Dimitrios, ATHENS
Phone / Fax: 210 82 28 254
e-mail: info@echoesofheart.org
The office is open from Monday to Friday, 17:00 – 19:00.

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